Folk Remedies For Cockroaches: The Most Effective. How To Quickly Get Rid Of Cockroaches In An Apartment Forever At Home Using Acid? What Else Are They Afraid Of?

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Video: Folk Remedies For Cockroaches: The Most Effective. How To Quickly Get Rid Of Cockroaches In An Apartment Forever At Home Using Acid? What Else Are They Afraid Of?

Video: Folk Remedies For Cockroaches: The Most Effective. How To Quickly Get Rid Of Cockroaches In An Apartment Forever At Home Using Acid? What Else Are They Afraid Of?
Video: 12 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Cockroaches Permanently 2024, April
Folk Remedies For Cockroaches: The Most Effective. How To Quickly Get Rid Of Cockroaches In An Apartment Forever At Home Using Acid? What Else Are They Afraid Of?
Folk Remedies For Cockroaches: The Most Effective. How To Quickly Get Rid Of Cockroaches In An Apartment Forever At Home Using Acid? What Else Are They Afraid Of?

The appearance of black or red cockroaches in the house causes a lot of unpleasant emotions, moreover, these insects actively reproduce and increase their population in the shortest possible time. Chemicals are the most effective way to combat them. Nevertheless, some continue to fight the Prussians with folk remedies.


Boric acid use

Most of the folk remedies against cockroaches have an effect only as a preventive measure, allowing you to scare off the Prussians for a while. However, there are exceptions to this rule - this is boric acid.

Its effectiveness has been tested for several decades . It gives especially good results when combined with other methods of struggle. There are several recipes based on this drug.

Boric acid with egg

For a typical apartment of 60 sq. m. you need to buy 50 g of boric acid in a pharmacy and boil 4 eggs hard-boiled (they need to be cooked over low heat for 1, 5-2 hours), only yolks are needed to prepare the poison. Add 2 boiled potatoes to the mixture along with the peel . When all the main ingredients are prepared, the potatoes and yolks are crushed, boric acid is added and mixed to make a plastic dough. From this mass, small balls are rolled and laid out in places where barbel congestions.

Do not expect that in the morning you will find many dead Prussians. but after 1, 5-2 weeks, they will certainly begin to leave your home . Moreover, cockroaches never return to the premises where they were poisoned.

In addition, after eating the bait, the cockroach does not die immediately - this time is enough for it to infect its fellow tribesmen.


Boric acid with bread

A very simple recipe. To prepare it, you will need a glass of hot water - 1 tbsp is dissolved in it. l. boric acid powder and moisten several pieces of bread with a poisoned solution. After that, it remains only to spread the bait in places where you found a cluster of barbel . Alternatively, boric acid can be dissolved in water and left in an open container near the water source. Keep in mind - if you have pets in the apartment, you should not use this method, as there is a high risk of pet poisoning. Alternatively, you can simply sprinkle boric acid behind baseboards, around appliances, under furniture, and under a sink. However, it will look extremely unaesthetic. In addition, after each harvest, you will have to update the treatment. It makes sense to resort to this method only in the absence of owners.

A good effect is given by the sodium salt of boric acid, better known as borax . To do this, 200 g of the drug should be mixed with 30 g of vanillin and 60 g of starch. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed to viscosity, rolled into balls and placed on the paths of the Prusaks. Boric acid has a good effect and allows you to get rid of unwanted neighbors within a month.

But at the same time it is necessary to close all the loopholes through which cockroaches enter the house. It is advisable to etch annoying barbel with the entire entrance or even the house.


What plants are cockroaches afraid of?

Cockroaches are very sensitive to odors, so they are afraid of certain herbs. Prusaks can be scared away by wormwood, eucalyptus, mint, tansy . Of course, fragrant plants are unlikely to kill cockroaches, but they can be a good way of prevention. All homeowners need is to simply spread small bundles near baseboards, vents and other loopholes through which insects enter the house.



Mint has exceptional aroma characteristics. They have a beneficial effect on people, but repel insects. The shoots of this plant are placed in all drawers, kitchen cabinets, and also laid out under furniture and in the corners of the room - in a word, in all areas of potential cockroach habitat.

The herb can be used not only fresh, but also dried . However, experience has shown that fresh leaves work better. To increase the effectiveness of dry mint, it is advisable to additionally use menthol essential oil. A good effect is given by an aroma lamp, into which water is poured with 4–5 drops of oil. Under the flame of a candle, the liquid heats up and begins to evaporate, spreading a mint aroma throughout the room.



Natural repellents include tansy. This is a poisonous plant that gives a good result when fighting Prusaks. It can be used in several ways . Lay out freshly cut plants in places near kitchen units, corners of living rooms, near baseboards and ventilation. The grass will give off a specific scent that repels cockroaches. Pests try to bypass such plant barriers.

Brew tansy inflorescences at the rate of 250 g of inflorescences per 5 liters of water . The agent is insisted until it cools completely under the lid, then filtered and poured into a bottle with a spray bottle. The resulting broth is carefully sprayed on the habitats of cockroaches. True, this method has its drawbacks: the infusion is toxic, moreover, it can leave untidy marks on the treated surface, and it will be very difficult to remove them.

Important! Tansy belongs to poisonous plants, therefore, it is necessary to expel the Prusaks from the premises with its help only in extreme cases. At the same time, access to grass for children, disabled adults and pets should be completely blocked.



The smell of wormwood is extremely unpleasant for the Prussians. Having felt its scent, they try to leave the dwelling as quickly as possible. The herb can be used fresh as well as dry. To drive out the Prussians, wormwood is laid out in large bunches in places where cockroaches are likely to live: on the floor, at the junction of walls and floors, on window sills, in kitchen cabinets and under the sink. In the bathroom and in the kitchen, the grass is spread with a solid carpet. You will soon notice that the pests have begun to actively flee in search of more comfortable conditions.



Bay leaves are found in every kitchen. But few people know that it can be used in the fight against cockroaches. In order for the barbel to bypass your home, you just need to spread the dry leaves in the kitchen cabinets - in the places where cereals, pasta and food are stored . A little lavrushka is placed under the sink where the trash can is kept. The smell of this spice is unbearable for the Prussians, therefore, by placing it near the loopholes through which they get from neighbors, you can prevent the appearance of unwanted neighbors in the house.

Citrus fruits give a good effect . People love the scent of oranges and tangerines, and it repels insects. If the crusts are dried and placed inside kitchen tables, the parasites will not touch the food. However, as evidenced by reviews, this is not an effective remedy. In general, the use of plant fragrances against cockroaches is environmentally friendly, safe for people and pets. However, the method is good only as an additional measure or as a prevention. With severe infections, it will not give any result.


Fighting with pungent substances

Plants are not the only ones emitting odors that are unpleasant for insects. To scare off the Prussians, you can also use some of the tools that are often used on the farm.


To prepare a solution against cockroaches, 30 ml of table vinegar is dissolved in 100 ml of water. The resulting mixture is sprayed from a spray bottle in places where cockroaches are most likely to appear: under the sink, near the bin, around the baseboards.

If there is a cockroach nest in the access zone, you need to process it too.


Turpentine and kerosene

If the number of unwanted neighbors increases exponentially, it makes sense to resort to "old-fashioned" methods, such as turpentine or kerosene. Their smell is unbearable for the Prussians. To carry out the treatment, it is necessary to grease with a rag or brush the places of watering, eating of the Prussians and the paths along which they crawl . Keep in mind that such an aroma is also unpleasant for people, therefore, after processing, it is advisable to leave the room for several hours or even days.



The Prussians are very afraid of bleach. If you sprinkle an insect with dry chlorine or pour it with "Whiteness" - it dies, although the agent does not work on the eggs . However, even if you sprinkle a pungent-smelling substance in small piles on the floor, the cockroaches are unlikely to rush to certain death on their own.

It is best to add a chlorinated liquid to the floor cleaning water. This will reduce the activity of the pests. However, exactly as long as the smell lasts. As soon as it wears off, the cockroaches will immediately crawl out of their hiding places.



An easy way to eliminate cockroaches is the use of ammonia. 1 tsp the drug is added to a bucket of water during cleaning. Of course, this substance will not destroy the Prussians, but it will definitely drive them away. To consolidate the effect, such processing must be carried out for a rather long time . To enhance the result, you can combine this technique with any other.


Essential oils

The use of essential oils is not particularly difficult. They can be used in a variety of ways: add scented liquid to a bucket for cleaning floors, light an aroma lamp, or simply dig in areas under furniture, along baseboards, near nests, and in other places where you spot cockroaches. Besides, it will not be superfluous to process the frame of the front door and the area near the ventilation - this will scare off the Prussians fleeing from neighboring apartments . Most of all, cockroaches are afraid of eucalyptus oil and tea tree oil.


Prevention measures

You need to fight cockroaches. Even one Prusak, accidentally discovered in the house, is a harbinger of the appearance of a large colony of its relatives . At the same time, they can even run into a clean house, although they are always associated with sewage and dirt. The appearance of cockroaches is quite dangerous - on their paws they carry eggs of worms and pathogenic bacteria into the house. Therefore, their appearance is fraught with serious illness for people with weakened immunity.

During molting, the Prussians throw off their chitinous covers . They are provocateurs of asthmatic attacks and powerful allergic reactions. These arthropods crawl into electrical outlets and into household appliances, thereby causing damage and short circuits. In addition, many people are psychologically unbearable to see cockroaches. They are so afraid of them that it develops into a phobia. Sometimes such people even need corrective psychotherapy. That is why it is better to pay attention to the prevention of the appearance of barbel in the house.


To do this, you need to adhere to certain rules. Do not store food in places accessible to the Prussians . Even a few crumbs of bread left on the table overnight will be enough to feed a large cockroach family. These insects love moisture, they usually arrange their nests near a water source. Therefore, you need to wipe dry the space near the bathroom and sink, in the bathroom and in the kitchen. Cockroaches cannot survive without water for more than 5-7 days. In the absence of fluid, they die of dehydration or migrate to more comfortable conditions. Try to hermetically seal all the gaps connecting your house with the neighbors, as these ubiquitous Prussians often crawl from nearby apartments through cracks in the floor or ventilation ducts.

If you are not the owner of a private house, then when you have cockroaches, be sure to chat with your neighbors . At a minimum, you need to bypass those with which you have adjacent walls. If cockroaches are found in one of them, then it is better to disinfect together and at the same time. Otherwise, after a couple of weeks after treatment, the parasites will return to your home again.

In the fight against cockroaches, the most important thing is to first deal with their destruction, and then block the paths of re-entry into the house. Boric acid is the only effective folk remedy to get rid of Prusaks forever. All other methods only scare them away.
